"Best of all, Christmas means a spirit of love, a time when the love of God and the love of our fellow men should prevail over all hatred and bitterness, a time when our thoughts and deeds and the spirit of our lives manifest the presence of God", a famous quote by George F. McDougall that wraps around one of the many definitions of Christmas. When we think of Christmas we often refer to the environment all around us. This would be including the lights, the presents, the tree, the cheerful holiday colors, and so on. In this holiday we often overlook what it's true meaning tells. We get caught up in all the physical attractions as well as temptations to which lead us farther and farther away from the beauty of it all. In today's world there is a failure to bring the message that God provides us with to follow. People become so obsessed over the holiday fashions and trends that the holiday begins to lose its genuine meaning. The holiday was not made for our own pleasures and benefits. Christmas reveals to us a gift. This gift is the power to love anyone and everyone. Whether we use this gift or not is certainly up to our spiritual self. God taught us the importance of shutting down negativity in order to form beings of peace and respect. So Christmas is all about overcoming our own fears to strengthen our faith and preach the word of God so everyone can hear. It's about sharing a special love toward others in order to gain a better understanding in the power of God. The true meaning is love and as stated in John 3:16-17, "For God so loved the world that he gave his one and only Son, that whoever believes in him shall not perish but have eternal life. For God did not send his Son into the world to condemn the world, but to save the world through him". Christmas is the celebration of this great act of love. The holiday tells the story of God becoming fully human in Jesus Christ as an act of love. As struggling humans on the earth God built for us it was necessary for a savior to come. We celebrate the holiday in honor of God's great actions for us and our lives. God shared loved to his own and provided us with the gift of having eternal life with him.
Lauryn, this is all very true. I see how you wrapped the gifts into this blog. By giving them a true meaning. I've never really looked at it as us receiving the gift of love. I guess what I said within my blog, giving to others and not wanting anything in return, is really all at of love. So, we can't do all that unless we have this great gift of love given to us by God.
Lauryn, I never thought about Christmas as a celebration of love. I also agree with you by saying that we all get caugh up in the physical attraction as well as temptations that lead us further and further away from the actual beauty of Christmas.
When Christmas time is near, I always feel two types of feeling. One would be the feeling of happiness and joy, while the other is the feeling of disappointment. Christmas is the time to give to others and be happy for those around us, but most of all it's a time of celebration for the birth of our Lord, Jesus Christ. You may ask why I feel disappointed then if such good things are around, especially the birth of the Lord. Well, I never really see or hear anyone talk about the birth of Jesus as much as I used to. I never hear anyone say anything alone the lines of,"This year I'm going to give this person this and that person that!" All I hear now a days is,"Oh, I'm definitely going to ask for that this Christmas!" People don't understand the true meaning of Christmas, so I feel. I've never been the type of person to want something from someone as a gift. I, for some reason, feel bad about receiving gifts. I guess I just never feel like I need them. But, it's not about the gifts anyways. Christmas is about giving, yes, but what? Christmas is the time to give yourself. Offer to help someone, help them out with anything, cooking dinner, shoveling their driveway, or even just making them smile is a way of giving. You are giving them happiness. Most of the happiness though, should come from Jesus' birth on Christmas. That's where I have the feeling of happiness. Going to mass at midnight, going out of my way just to celebrate his birth in the house of His father. Christmas isn't about gifts, and toys, and candy, and such. It's about Jesus being born to start His life, so He can save us. The giving we need, is the giving of thanks to His birth, because without it, we wouldn't have the gifts, the candy, or the toys, or most importantly, a life of true meaning to spend, and end with God.
Jacob, sometimes I hear the same story of people always talking about gifts, but when it comes down to it there are also many people who do attend mass to celebrate Christmas and talk about the birth of Jesus such as the decorating in the junior hallway this year. I agree that we should be giving others the gift of ourselves through kind actions or spreading Jesus' love in some way. The idea of offering help to someone such as shoveling a driveway is an excellent example of helping out at Christmas and should be done by more people in our world, including myself.
This is very accurate, people don't acknowledge Jesus and his birthday. I'm not sure of the right way or best was to fix that but we can start with ourselves and work from there.
This is a true example of what Christmas is all about, Jesus Christ. People always forget the meaning and never care that it's about Jesus, all they want is money and gifs. The giving and making a difference aspect of Christmas is what it is all about. I also really like your idea of saying giving happiness, that speaks volumes about the true meaning.
Christmas is the special time of year where people can all come together to be with family and celebrate the true meaning of the season which is the birth of a Jesus. Many people in this world have forgotten that this is the true meaning and focus more on the presents and decorations, but I believe there are many more who understand the true meaning of Christmas. I believe that making the cookies and giving presents to loved ones is a part of Christmas because it allows us to come together in a special way because God gives us the gift of his Son to show His love for us. People in turn give gifts to loved ones as well even though the best gift we receive is Jesus. The most special way that we come together during Christmas is through Jesus and welcoming Him into us. In the story of the Doubtful Christmas, a mother and her five children were all abandoned by their father who stole all of their possessions and were left with the money. By moving in with their grandparents, they were able to provide for themselves, but Christmas was coming up soon and there was no money for the presents. The mother made presents by herself out of wood in order for the children to receive a gift on Christmas Day. The mother had made this gifts for the children because she loved them. This was not an act to diminish the fact that Jesus is most important, but it was a way for her to show love and to share happiness which is an important part of Christmas. The mother also made sure her children attended mass regularly and learned their prayers which indicates that they understand the true meaning of Christmas. In the end, Christmas in not all about the presents, but how we can share the gift of Jesus with others just as God shares Jesus with us. In our society today, many of the advertisements for Christmas focus on buying the best gifts for people and that it should be the main focus of Christmas. One cannot forget the commercials that do spread the true meaning of Christmas. For example, the commercial where the women takes some of her Christmas lights and hangs them up for the older man across the street who cannot hang lights while he is away to surprise him. This is about doing acts of goodness and kindness for others and spreading the love that Jesus gives to us. Is this not what everyone is called to do not only at Christmas, but each day? One must spread the love that Jesus gives to each us. When people remember this idea, which I believe that many people do, Christmas will be able to be celebrated with its true meaning by all.
Mandy, I love how you started out your blog by saying Christmas is the special time of they year where people can all come together to be with family and celebrate the true meaning of the season which is the birth of Christ. This was a perfect start! I also enjoyed how you talked about the story of the Doubful Christmas, it really added a good touch to your blog! Good work!
I really like how you look at the positive side of things by saying that although some people have lost the true meaning of Christmas, there are many more people who do recognize the real meaning of Christmas, Jesus Christ. This makes your blog stand out from the others, as you look at the positive side of things, rather than the negative!
What is the true meaning of Christmas? For some kids it about all the presents and for some parents it about getting all the gifts on time, but for others it is all about Jesus. Christmas is a great time to celebrate the birth of Christ. People always tend to look right past the fact of Jesus being the reason Christmas is even a thing. They take the Christ right out of Christmas. I always try to see what the blog is right when it is posted just so I can think about it until I actually sit down and right my blog. So I read it over on Thursday afternoon and on Friday was sitting in chapel at the school mass when the Christmas choir started singing one of their Christmas song that they have after communion. I just sat there and listened to the words of the song that they were singing and I hit me that this song would be a perfect addition to my blog! The name of the song was "It's about the cross". Some of they lyrics that stood about to me where "It's not just about the presents underneath the tree it's not all about the feeling that the season brings to me." This song goes through all of the things that Christmas is not about and what everyone gets so caught up in, and then it goes to the chorus and says the things that Christmas is truly about. "It's about the cross, it's about my sin, it's about how Jesus came to be born once so that we could be born again." Christmas is all about Jesus and everything that he did for us. The biggest thing that he did was on the cross for our sins. I really believe that the true meaning of Christmas should never be forgotten. Jesus gives meaning to Christmas. Jesus who was God in flesh who was very holy, died on the cross and rose from the dead. He is the one who gives us what the true meaning to Christmas is. At my house so we don't ever look past what the true meaning of Christmas is we set out a beautiful homemade nativity seen underneath our Christmas tree. This nativity has been passed down many generations and it is my favorite thing to set up every Christmas. We all need to remember why we even have Christmas. I know that kids have a hard time remembering what Christmas is, but as each child gets to the age where they can understand what it is about, it becomes even more of a special time for everyone. We also need to remember, Jesus is the reason for the season. Here is the link in case anyone would like to listen to the lyrics of the song! I really suggest you do! https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=nwwwOW8eyj0
Cassidy, incorporating the idea of the song that the Christmas choir sang was truly a perfect example of the true meaning of Christmas. The season is truly for Jesus and sharing His love with others. It is very easy to get caught up in the hype of Christmas, but we need to remember that it is about Jesus.
Many kids do think it's all about presents and that's not a good thing. It's okay to be happy about getting them but it's more important to know about Jesus and what he did for us. It's great you related it to the choir at school because that's what they were singing about.
Cassidy, I loved this blog with your cute little personal feature. I liked how you took in your own experience of the Christmas atmosphere and incorporated it into your writing. I'm glad this blog helped you to look into depth what Jesus really gave up and provided for us.
If you listen to any public radio, advertisement, or television program, they will tell you that the true meaning of Christmas is to share time with friends and family while giving gifts in appreciation of each other. While this isn't completely wrong, it misses out on one of the most important parts of Christmas, the birth of Jesus Christ. The true meaning of Christmas is one that revolves around Jesus Christ, who is the origin of this holiday, and who was born on December 25 to eventually die for us and save us from our sins. In our world today, we are deceived into thinking that Christmas is all about the presents and what we can buy for one another. The media convinces us that if we are not buying the best things for the best people in our life, then we are wasting Christmas and doing it all wrong. However, our society's meaning of the holiday Christmas completely takes the "Christ" out of "Christmas". Perhaps, for those who wish to celebrate Christmas without celebrating the birth of Christ, the holiday should be called something different, such as "Giftmas" or "Presentmas." While this sounds absurd, it would be more fitting for those who don't recognize the real meaning of Christmas, Jesus Christ. In a way, the world is not wrong in saying that Christmas is a "family holiday." Christmas is a time that we should gather with our families and appreciate their presence along with the presence of Jesus Christ in our lives. Jesus has brought our families together for this holiday, as he is the original origin of the celebrations. We, with our families, should celebrate just as Jesus must have with his family on that cold winter night. Though it was cold and the conditions outside were unfavorable, they were thankful for what they had and they rejoiced at the birth of Jesus and the blessings that they did have, even though they were in a stable with animals on a freezing cold winter night with no one but the shepherds and the animals to keep them company. They rejoiced to God, for even though they had nothing, they felt as though they had everything through the birth of their son. Just like Mary and Joseph, so should we rejoice in God's blessings to us on Christmas, for it doesn't matter how much we have on Christmas or how much we give, but how much we celebrate the presence of Jesus and rejoice to God for the blessings he has given us through our family and our friends.
"Fail not to call to mind, in the course of the twenty-fifth of this month, that the Divinest Heart that ever walked the earth was born on that day; and then smile and enjoy yourselves for the rest of it; for mirth is also of Heaven's making." –Leigh Hunt
Although I do believe Christmas really should focus on Jesus, I personally still think that celebrating family is still very important. I think you did an outstanding job at showing that you feel that same way. You are basically saying society is half-correct on the meaning, but they are missing something. That something just happens to be Jesus.
I like how you respected the positive outlooks on Christmas while still stating the true meaning. Christmas is about Christ, and people often forget or neglect to acknowledge that fact.
Today in society even Christmas has become a very controversial subject and is sometimes difficult to discuss with people depending on their beliefs. Problems come up because of how much religious background Christmas has. This causes people who are not religious to either not celebrate the holiday or to make the holiday as non religious as possible. It can also go the other other direction and some families don't tell their kids that their is santa but they just tell them they are getting gifts to celebrate Jesus' birthday. Overall we do greatly see that people are nicer and give to others during the Christmas season. This is due to the holiday cheer and everyone being happy for the celebrations. With all of this going on, it is good that people are helping each other but we can sometimes lose focus on what Christmas is really about. The only reason that Christmas is a celebration is because of when Jesus was born. I'm not sure what the right answer is between completely religious or non religious. Obviously it is important to know that Jesus is the reason for the season but I don't think it's a bad thing to celebrate santa. The other day on the radio I heard a man say "If Jesus was here today he would ask, why would you have a birthday party for me and not even invite me?" I think this is very powerful and goes to show that many people don't even acknowledge Jesus on Christmas. This doesn't mean just going to church that day or praying before you eat Christmas dinner. This means making him a part of your day, celebrating for him, and realizing he's the reason you are in the very situation you are in at that time.
Christmas has become controversial, but I think that the reason we celebrate it is a very concrete and it is sad that people are not celebrating in a religious way. I agree that people are nicer and that is not a bad thing at all. I also agree with the radio station and I think what they said is very powerful.
I agree with you in the aspect of Christmas being controversial to other religions. Many people take offense to having merry Christmas said to them, yet some of them still celebrate Christmas festivities and call them the holidays to remove Jesus from the picture.I also agree that is okay to celebrate Santa Claus. It that balance we need to find. The balance between the true meaning of Christmas and Christmas festivities together to make a magical meaningful Christmas season.
I think you nailed it when you said even Christmas is controversial. I think after reading your blog, it is essential to find a balance between societal practices that don't damage your beliefs and the religious practices of Christmas. I agree I don't think receiving gifts and believing in Santa is a terrible thing, but we must never forget Jesus is the source of the holiday.
Although I have been raised in a Catholic household that upholds the saying "Jesus is the Reason for the Season," society seems to have lost the Christ from Christmas. We, as a species, have grown away from our connection to Jesus in a similar way that we have become distant to nature. When we look at ads in the newspaper or on social media, we no longer see Jesus, rather we see the newest gadget or pointless invention that an entrepreneur is making millions off of. Companies see Christmas as a sales event, not the most important birthday celebration of the year. The most essential connections in the world today are being lost by scientific advances and technological advances. Louv's work from 2008 was such a wake up call that nobody seemed to pay any attention to, and now it is nearing the point of no return. The world is no longer happy living in whoville, because we demand so much more than a community full of simplistic ideas and love for the true purpose of the season, even if it means no toys. Christmas has become an excuse to indulge in the materialistic wants that society has forced upon us. In the story of "A Doubtful Christmas," the story of how much hard work was put into the toys the children got that year was told. They were so happy to see the few presents under the tree that had cost nothing but time. That was sixth-seven years ago, showing the the downhill slide of how we experience Christmas. This loss has become so large that it no longer effects just Christmas, but now has spilled into thanksgiving, a time to be thankful. But now this is the time to start shopping for Christmas presents. Black Friday went from eight o'clock door busters, to midnight specials, and now it starts right after thanksgiving dinner. Society's wants have become so important that people are starting to become engulfed in their desires. Through this greed we have come to experience the loss of many valuable connections.
Hannah, I really like how you related this topic to Louv's essay that we recently read in class about the increasing gap between nature and society. Just like in that essay, we as a society are experiencing a separation between the true meaning of Christmas and everything that is being advertised for christmas
I strongly agree that the true Catholic meaning of Christmas is often lost, and I must say that was a good use of a quote. It's true that most children are really only concerned with what toys they'll be getting, rather than celebrating the birth of our savior.
The thought of Christmas—the people, the gifts, the religious meaning—it makes me feel happy, the type of happy that is experienced when something magical happens, the type of happy that is attributed to a joyous season. This joyous feeling has been something that has occurred to me during Christmas since I have been very young. I have always loved the presents and all the family members that come to visit during the Christmas season. For this reason, Christmas is my favorite holiday. As I grew older I began to understand the true meaning of Christmas, the meaning that Christ wants Christmas to represent. It's not about the expensive gifts and elaborate decorations, Christmas is a means of giving to those who are poor or making a difference, or spending time with those you love. For example, giving an old man a Christmas gift and then inviting him over to have Christmas Eve dinner with your family because he has no one to have his own dinner with is the true meaning of Christmas. Another example would be buying a poor child clothes to wear because he has no sufficient funds. Christmas is about togetherness and giving as a means to make a difference. I now understand this and try to sustain this true meaning for myself and others to live by during the holiday. Many people in the world today miss the true meaning of Christmas because of the massive industry of commercializing Christmas. People are beginning to believe that Christmas is only about buying the biggest and best gifts for people. People are also beginning to believe that the holiday means nothing without the hype and advertising. This commercialization takes the true meaning of Christmas completely out of the picture. People scurry around buying gifts and spending thousands of dollars every Christmas because it is becoming so commercialized. People get so involved in Christmas shopping that they trample other people to get in line first at events such as Black Friday. This is ridiculous and dehumanizing. It's sad to think that people don't even care about others in their way, they only care about what they absolutely need to get for their distorted view of Christmas, even if they hurt someone in their way. A hand made gift or one single gift that conveys a meaning is enough for a single person according to traditional Christmas practices. One may appreciate a gift that has a very special meaning more than 20 senseless material things that that person didn't even want. Christ would not want Christmas to be this way, commercialized and lacking meaning. The true meaning is to give with a heartfelt purpose, to touch the hearts of those around you, and to make a difference in someone's life and one's own life. It is also to remember the day that Christ, our savior, came to this world. Christmas is happy and magical season because of this giving and difference making, this is the true meaning of Christmas, not the commercial hoopla that happens in today's world amongst millions and millions of people trying to buy the biggest and best gifts for each other.
I think that we should try and provide for the "less fortunate" all the thim, not just around the holidays because it will make you fell all warm and fuzzy inside. I think that the reason for Christmas is the birth of Jesus! Not that He would not want us to give, but we should AWLAYS be giving, even if it is just a little bit.
I agree with you completely that the holiday is about the birth of Jesus Christ. It always has been and always will be. I was just trying to explain what people missinterpret the celebration of Christ's birthday as. Not caring about giving, or making a difference, or spending time with family. Of course Christ is the center, but people still make it all about the commercial aspect and are missing what Jesus wants Christmas to be about, his birthday and what Jesus built his kingdom upon, charity. I agree I should have made Jesus more prevalent in my blog. This was indeed an error on my part.
I believe the overall true theme or meaning of Christmas is unity, at its core. Yes, of course an individual's definition of unity does indeed vary, but the overarching theme remains the same. The original concept of Christmas centered around the holy family of Jesus Christ, in celebration of his foretold birth into the cruel world. So, in the beginning, Christmas was really about being with family and being thankful for the closeness shared between members. Though as celebrants became more aware that not EVERYONE had a family, it morphed into a holiday that promoted unity of many kinds, whether it be platonic or romantic. Even the commercialized version of Christmas in today's society still promotes some type of unity, because it allows people to have at least one common struggle. Even the poor souls that have no friends or family family often get the opportunity to start anew or make long lasting connections around this cheery holiday. Spirits are light and expectations are often lowered in respect for those giving and buying gifts. This creates the prefect opportunity for bonds to be made in the presence of baby Jesus himself. During this holiday, no matter how lonely or shut-in someone may be, they will often find themselves looking to make a connections. Humans are creatures that crave interactions, no matter how strongly some may deny it. The aura of Christmas brings out the inner longing for companionship in us all.
It seems that in today's society the hour that the Thanksgiving feast is completed and the family members depart, people have something other than the joy of being thankful for what they have on their minds. Rather, Americans everywhere are running around like mad men trampling anyone who hinders the path to the perfect gift. Sure, all of this hustle and bustle along with the occasional violent confrontation accompanied with Christmas shopping is done all out of love, but is it really for the right cause? The image of Santa Clause and his spectacular, flying reindeer soaring around the world leaving gifts to all of the good boys and girls is truly heartwarming, but is this the true meaning to this time of the year? Growing up in a Catholic environment, I know that Jesus is the reason we celebrate. His birth made our salvation possible. I understand this and I believe this, but I also believe God has a deeper meaning set aside for Christmas. After all, history cannot even prove Jesus was born on the 25 day of December. It is speculated he was born sometime in April. That is why I do not believe Christmas is solely for religious purposes, even though the religious aspect of the holiday is very important to me, as it should be to those who celebrate. I believe the true meaning of Christmas lies within the hearts of each of us. Christmas is a time to end feuds, halt grudges, and mend ties to those around us. Christmas is a time to help the less fortunate, especially the children who will not receive gifts from anyone. Christmas calls for love. It calls for a time free from the realms of hatred which is seen way to frequently in our dark and unforgiving world. We are to be the beacons of light and love in the world around us. Christmas is not just opening the presents on Christmas. It is celebrating the life of Christ while sharing the love that he made possible through dying on the cross for our sins. Material gifts we receive on Christmas will surely deteriorate in the passing years of life. What we do to make a mark on the hearts of others will surely live on with as much fire as the day the action took place. Christmas is knowing this and comprehending it, not for personal gain, but rather for the sheer joy of seeing other people happier than they were a minute ago. This is the true meaning of Christmas. Love is the true meaning of Christmas
Logan, you touched many great points on the holiday including the fact that society is not always humble. It is very true that the holidays can often bring out a wild side to the people, but also it reveals a side that brings everyone together in hopes of love and care.
"Best of all, Christmas means a spirit of love, a time when the love of God and the love of our fellow men should prevail over all hatred and bitterness, a time when our thoughts and deeds and the spirit of our lives manifest the presence of God", a famous quote by George F. McDougall that wraps around one of the many definitions of Christmas. When we think of Christmas we often refer to the environment all around us. This would be including the lights, the presents, the tree, the cheerful holiday colors, and so on. In this holiday we often overlook what it's true meaning tells. We get caught up in all the physical attractions as well as temptations to which lead us farther and farther away from the beauty of it all. In today's world there is a failure to bring the message that God provides us with to follow. People become so obsessed over the holiday fashions and trends that the holiday begins to lose its genuine meaning. The holiday was not made for our own pleasures and benefits.
ReplyDeleteChristmas reveals to us a gift. This gift is the power to love anyone and everyone. Whether we use this gift or not is certainly up to our spiritual self. God taught us the importance of shutting down negativity in order to form beings of peace and respect. So Christmas is all about overcoming our own fears to strengthen our faith and preach the word of God so everyone can hear. It's about sharing a special love toward others in order to gain a better understanding in the power of God. The true meaning is love and as stated in John 3:16-17, "For God so loved the world that he gave his one and only Son, that whoever believes in him shall not perish but have eternal life. For God did not send his Son into the world to condemn the world, but to save the world through him". Christmas is the celebration of this great act of love. The holiday tells the story of God becoming fully human in Jesus Christ as an act of love. As struggling humans on the earth God built for us it was necessary for a savior to come. We celebrate the holiday in honor of God's great actions for us and our lives. God shared loved to his own and provided us with the gift of having eternal life with him.
Lauryn, this is all very true. I see how you wrapped the gifts into this blog. By giving them a true meaning. I've never really looked at it as us receiving the gift of love. I guess what I said within my blog, giving to others and not wanting anything in return, is really all at of love. So, we can't do all that unless we have this great gift of love given to us by God.
DeleteLauryn, I never thought about Christmas as a celebration of love. I also agree with you by saying that we all get caugh up in the physical attraction as well as temptations that lead us further and further away from the actual beauty of Christmas.
DeleteWhen Christmas time is near, I always feel two types of feeling. One would be the feeling of happiness and joy, while the other is the feeling of disappointment. Christmas is the time to give to others and be happy for those around us, but most of all it's a time of celebration for the birth of our Lord, Jesus Christ. You may ask why I feel disappointed then if such good things are around, especially the birth of the Lord. Well, I never really see or hear anyone talk about the birth of Jesus as much as I used to. I never hear anyone say anything alone the lines of,"This year I'm going to give this person this and that person that!" All I hear now a days is,"Oh, I'm definitely going to ask for that this Christmas!" People don't understand the true meaning of Christmas, so I feel. I've never been the type of person to want something from someone as a gift. I, for some reason, feel bad about receiving gifts. I guess I just never feel like I need them. But, it's not about the gifts anyways. Christmas is about giving, yes, but what? Christmas is the time to give yourself. Offer to help someone, help them out with anything, cooking dinner, shoveling their driveway, or even just making them smile is a way of giving. You are giving them happiness. Most of the happiness though, should come from Jesus' birth on Christmas. That's where I have the feeling of happiness. Going to mass at midnight, going out of my way just to celebrate his birth in the house of His father. Christmas isn't about gifts, and toys, and candy, and such. It's about Jesus being born to start His life, so He can save us. The giving we need, is the giving of thanks to His birth, because without it, we wouldn't have the gifts, the candy, or the toys, or most importantly, a life of true meaning to spend, and end with God.
ReplyDeleteJacob, sometimes I hear the same story of people always talking about gifts, but when it comes down to it there are also many people who do attend mass to celebrate Christmas and talk about the birth of Jesus such as the decorating in the junior hallway this year. I agree that we should be giving others the gift of ourselves through kind actions or spreading Jesus' love in some way. The idea of offering help to someone such as shoveling a driveway is an excellent example of helping out at Christmas and should be done by more people in our world, including myself.
DeleteThis is very accurate, people don't acknowledge Jesus and his birthday. I'm not sure of the right way or best was to fix that but we can start with ourselves and work from there.
DeleteThis is a true example of what Christmas is all about, Jesus Christ. People always forget the meaning and never care that it's about Jesus, all they want is money and gifs. The giving and making a difference aspect of Christmas is what it is all about. I also really like your idea of saying giving happiness, that speaks volumes about the true meaning.
DeleteChristmas is the special time of year where people can all come together to be with family and celebrate the true meaning of the season which is the birth of a Jesus. Many people in this world have forgotten that this is the true meaning and focus more on the presents and decorations, but I believe there are many more who understand the true meaning of Christmas. I believe that making the cookies and giving presents to loved ones is a part of Christmas because it allows us to come together in a special way because God gives us the gift of his Son to show His love for us. People in turn give gifts to loved ones as well even though the best gift we receive is Jesus. The most special way that we come together during Christmas is through Jesus and welcoming Him into us. In the story of the Doubtful Christmas, a mother and her five children were all abandoned by their father who stole all of their possessions and were left with the money. By moving in with their grandparents, they were able to provide for themselves, but Christmas was coming up soon and there was no money for the presents. The mother made presents by herself out of wood in order for the children to receive a gift on Christmas Day. The mother had made this gifts for the children because she loved them. This was not an act to diminish the fact that Jesus is most important, but it was a way for her to show love and to share happiness which is an important part of Christmas. The mother also made sure her children attended mass regularly and learned their prayers which indicates that they understand the true meaning of Christmas. In the end, Christmas in not all about the presents, but how we can share the gift of Jesus with others just as God shares Jesus with us.
ReplyDeleteIn our society today, many of the advertisements for Christmas focus on buying the best gifts for people and that it should be the main focus of Christmas. One cannot forget the commercials that do spread the true meaning of Christmas. For example, the commercial where the women takes some of her Christmas lights and hangs them up for the older man across the street who cannot hang lights while he is away to surprise him. This is about doing acts of goodness and kindness for others and spreading the love that Jesus gives to us. Is this not what everyone is called to do not only at Christmas, but each day? One must spread the love that Jesus gives to each us. When people remember this idea, which I believe that many people do, Christmas will be able to be celebrated with its true meaning by all.
Mandy, I love how you started out your blog by saying Christmas is the special time of they year where people can all come together to be with family and celebrate the true meaning of the season which is the birth of Christ. This was a perfect start! I also enjoyed how you talked about the story of the Doubful Christmas, it really added a good touch to your blog! Good work!
DeleteI really like how you look at the positive side of things by saying that although some people have lost the true meaning of Christmas, there are many more people who do recognize the real meaning of Christmas, Jesus Christ. This makes your blog stand out from the others, as you look at the positive side of things, rather than the negative!
DeleteWhat is the true meaning of Christmas? For some kids it about all the presents and for some parents it about getting all the gifts on time, but for others it is all about Jesus. Christmas is a great time to celebrate the birth of Christ. People always tend to look right past the fact of Jesus being the reason Christmas is even a thing. They take the Christ right out of Christmas. I always try to see what the blog is right when it is posted just so I can think about it until I actually sit down and right my blog. So I read it over on Thursday afternoon and on Friday was sitting in chapel at the school mass when the Christmas choir started singing one of their Christmas song that they have after communion. I just sat there and listened to the words of the song that they were singing and I hit me that this song would be a perfect addition to my blog! The name of the song was "It's about the cross". Some of they lyrics that stood about to me where "It's not just about the presents underneath the tree it's not all about the feeling that the season brings to me." This song goes through all of the things that Christmas is not about and what everyone gets so caught up in, and then it goes to the chorus and says the things that Christmas is truly about. "It's about the cross, it's about my sin, it's about how Jesus came to be born once so that we could be born again." Christmas is all about Jesus and everything that he did for us. The biggest thing that he did was on the cross for our sins.
ReplyDeleteI really believe that the true meaning of Christmas should never be forgotten. Jesus gives meaning to Christmas. Jesus who was God in flesh who was very holy, died on the cross and rose from the dead. He is the one who gives us what the true meaning to Christmas is. At my house so we don't ever look past what the true meaning of Christmas is we set out a beautiful homemade nativity seen underneath our Christmas tree. This nativity has been passed down many generations and it is my favorite thing to set up every Christmas. We all need to remember why we even have Christmas. I know that kids have a hard time remembering what Christmas is, but as each child gets to the age where they can understand what it is about, it becomes even more of a special time for everyone. We also need to remember, Jesus is the reason for the season.
Here is the link in case anyone would like to listen to the lyrics of the song! I really suggest you do! https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=nwwwOW8eyj0
Cassidy, incorporating the idea of the song that the Christmas choir sang was truly a perfect example of the true meaning of Christmas. The season is truly for Jesus and sharing His love with others. It is very easy to get caught up in the hype of Christmas, but we need to remember that it is about Jesus.
DeleteMany kids do think it's all about presents and that's not a good thing. It's okay to be happy about getting them but it's more important to know about Jesus and what he did for us. It's great you related it to the choir at school because that's what they were singing about.
DeleteCassidy, I loved this blog with your cute little personal feature. I liked how you took in your own experience of the Christmas atmosphere and incorporated it into your writing. I'm glad this blog helped you to look into depth what Jesus really gave up and provided for us.
DeleteIf you listen to any public radio, advertisement, or television program, they will tell you that the true meaning of Christmas is to share time with friends and family while giving gifts in appreciation of each other. While this isn't completely wrong, it misses out on one of the most important parts of Christmas, the birth of Jesus Christ. The true meaning of Christmas is one that revolves around Jesus Christ, who is the origin of this holiday, and who was born on December 25 to eventually die for us and save us from our sins. In our world today, we are deceived into thinking that Christmas is all about the presents and what we can buy for one another. The media convinces us that if we are not buying the best things for the best people in our life, then we are wasting Christmas and doing it all wrong. However, our society's meaning of the holiday Christmas completely takes the "Christ" out of "Christmas". Perhaps, for those who wish to celebrate Christmas without celebrating the birth of Christ, the holiday should be called something different, such as "Giftmas" or "Presentmas." While this sounds absurd, it would be more fitting for those who don't recognize the real meaning of Christmas, Jesus Christ.
ReplyDeleteIn a way, the world is not wrong in saying that Christmas is a "family holiday." Christmas is a time that we should gather with our families and appreciate their presence along with the presence of Jesus Christ in our lives. Jesus has brought our families together for this holiday, as he is the original origin of the celebrations. We, with our families, should celebrate just as Jesus must have with his family on that cold winter night. Though it was cold and the conditions outside were unfavorable, they were thankful for what they had and they rejoiced at the birth of Jesus and the blessings that they did have, even though they were in a stable with animals on a freezing cold winter night with no one but the shepherds and the animals to keep them company. They rejoiced to God, for even though they had nothing, they felt as though they had everything through the birth of their son. Just like Mary and Joseph, so should we rejoice in God's blessings to us on Christmas, for it doesn't matter how much we have on Christmas or how much we give, but how much we celebrate the presence of Jesus and rejoice to God for the blessings he has given us through our family and our friends.
"Fail not to call to mind, in the course of the twenty-fifth of this month, that the Divinest Heart that ever walked the earth was born on that day; and then smile and enjoy yourselves for the rest of it; for mirth is also of Heaven's making." –Leigh Hunt
Although I do believe Christmas really should focus on Jesus, I personally still think that celebrating family is still very important. I think you did an outstanding job at showing that you feel that same way. You are basically saying society is half-correct on the meaning, but they are missing something. That something just happens to be Jesus.
DeleteI like how you respected the positive outlooks on Christmas while still stating the true meaning. Christmas is about Christ, and people often forget or neglect to acknowledge that fact.
DeleteToday in society even Christmas has become a very controversial subject and is sometimes difficult to discuss with people depending on their beliefs. Problems come up because of how much religious background Christmas has. This causes people who are not religious to either not celebrate the holiday or to make the holiday as non religious as possible. It can also go the other other direction and some families don't tell their kids that their is santa but they just tell them they are getting gifts to celebrate Jesus' birthday. Overall we do greatly see that people are nicer and give to others during the Christmas season. This is due to the holiday cheer and everyone being happy for the celebrations. With all of this going on, it is good that people are helping each other but we can sometimes lose focus on what Christmas is really about. The only reason that Christmas is a celebration is because of when Jesus was born. I'm not sure what the right answer is between completely religious or non religious. Obviously it is important to know that Jesus is the reason for the season but I don't think it's a bad thing to celebrate santa. The other day on the radio I heard a man say "If Jesus was here today he would ask, why would you have a birthday party for me and not even invite me?" I think this is very powerful and goes to show that many people don't even acknowledge Jesus on Christmas. This doesn't mean just going to church that day or praying before you eat Christmas dinner. This means making him a part of your day, celebrating for him, and realizing he's the reason you are in the very situation you are in at that time.
ReplyDeleteChristmas has become controversial, but I think that the reason we celebrate it is a very concrete and it is sad that people are not celebrating in a religious way. I agree that people are nicer and that is not a bad thing at all. I also agree with the radio station and I think what they said is very powerful.
DeleteI agree with you in the aspect of Christmas being controversial to other religions. Many people take offense to having merry Christmas said to them, yet some of them still celebrate Christmas festivities and call them the holidays to remove Jesus from the picture.I also agree that is okay to celebrate Santa Claus. It that balance we need to find. The balance between the true meaning of Christmas and Christmas festivities together to make a magical meaningful Christmas season.
DeleteI think you nailed it when you said even Christmas is controversial. I think after reading your blog, it is essential to find a balance between societal practices that don't damage your beliefs and the religious practices of Christmas. I agree I don't think receiving gifts and believing in Santa is a terrible thing, but we must never forget Jesus is the source of the holiday.
DeleteAlthough I have been raised in a Catholic household that upholds the saying "Jesus is the Reason for the Season," society seems to have lost the Christ from Christmas. We, as a species, have grown away from our connection to Jesus in a similar way that we have become distant to nature. When we look at ads in the newspaper or on social media, we no longer see Jesus, rather we see the newest gadget or pointless invention that an entrepreneur is making millions off of. Companies see Christmas as a sales event, not the most important birthday celebration of the year. The most essential connections in the world today are being lost by scientific advances and technological advances. Louv's work from 2008 was such a wake up call that nobody seemed to pay any attention to, and now it is nearing the point of no return. The world is no longer happy living in whoville, because we demand so much more than a community full of simplistic ideas and love for the true purpose of the season, even if it means no toys. Christmas has become an excuse to indulge in the materialistic wants that society has forced upon us. In the story of "A Doubtful Christmas," the story of how much hard work was put into the toys the children got that year was told. They were so happy to see the few presents under the tree that had cost nothing but time. That was sixth-seven years ago, showing the the downhill slide of how we experience Christmas. This loss has become so large that it no longer effects just Christmas, but now has spilled into thanksgiving, a time to be thankful. But now this is the time to start shopping for Christmas presents. Black Friday went from eight o'clock door busters, to midnight specials, and now it starts right after thanksgiving dinner. Society's wants have become so important that people are starting to become engulfed in their desires. Through this greed we have come to experience the loss of many valuable connections.
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DeleteHannah, I really like how you related this topic to Louv's essay that we recently read in class about the increasing gap between nature and society. Just like in that essay, we as a society are experiencing a separation between the true meaning of Christmas and everything that is being advertised for christmas
DeleteI strongly agree that the true Catholic meaning of Christmas is often lost, and I must say that was a good use of a quote. It's true that most children are really only concerned with what toys they'll be getting, rather than celebrating the birth of our savior.
DeleteThe thought of Christmas—the people, the gifts, the religious meaning—it makes me feel happy, the type of happy that is experienced when something magical happens, the type of happy that is attributed to a joyous season. This joyous feeling has been something that has occurred to me during Christmas since I have been very young. I have always loved the presents and all the family members that come to visit during the Christmas season. For this reason, Christmas is my favorite holiday. As I grew older I began to understand the true meaning of Christmas, the meaning that Christ wants Christmas to represent. It's not about the expensive gifts and elaborate decorations, Christmas is a means of giving to those who are poor or making a difference, or spending time with those you love. For example, giving an old man a Christmas gift and then inviting him over to have Christmas Eve dinner with your family because he has no one to have his own dinner with is the true meaning of Christmas. Another example would be buying a poor child clothes to wear because he has no sufficient funds. Christmas is about togetherness and giving as a means to make a difference. I now understand this and try to sustain this true meaning for myself and others to live by during the holiday.
ReplyDeleteMany people in the world today miss the true meaning of Christmas because of the massive industry of commercializing Christmas. People are beginning to believe that Christmas is only about buying the biggest and best gifts for people. People are also beginning to believe that the holiday means nothing without the hype and advertising. This commercialization takes the true meaning of Christmas completely out of the picture. People scurry around buying gifts and spending thousands of dollars every Christmas because it is becoming so commercialized. People get so involved in Christmas shopping that they trample other people to get in line first at events such as Black Friday. This is ridiculous and dehumanizing. It's sad to think that people don't even care about others in their way, they only care about what they absolutely need to get for their distorted view of Christmas, even if they hurt someone in their way. A hand made gift or one single gift that conveys a meaning is enough for a single person according to traditional Christmas practices. One may appreciate a gift that has a very special meaning more than 20 senseless material things that that person didn't even want. Christ would not want Christmas to be this way, commercialized and lacking meaning. The true meaning is to give with a heartfelt purpose, to touch the hearts of those around you, and to make a difference in someone's life and one's own life. It is also to remember the day that Christ, our savior, came to this world. Christmas is happy and magical season because of this giving and difference making, this is the true meaning of Christmas, not the commercial hoopla that happens in today's world amongst millions and millions of people trying to buy the biggest and best gifts for each other.
I think that we should try and provide for the "less fortunate" all the thim, not just around the holidays because it will make you fell all warm and fuzzy inside. I think that the reason for Christmas is the birth of Jesus! Not that He would not want us to give, but we should AWLAYS be giving, even if it is just a little bit.
DeleteI agree with you completely that the holiday is about the birth of Jesus Christ. It always has been and always will be. I was just trying to explain what people missinterpret the celebration of Christ's birthday as. Not caring about giving, or making a difference, or spending time with family. Of course Christ is the center, but people still make it all about the commercial aspect and are missing what Jesus wants Christmas to be about, his birthday and what Jesus built his kingdom upon, charity. I agree I should have made Jesus more prevalent in my blog. This was indeed an error on my part.
DeleteI believe the overall true theme or meaning of Christmas is unity, at its core. Yes, of course an individual's definition of unity does indeed vary, but the overarching theme remains the same. The original concept of Christmas centered around the holy family of Jesus Christ, in celebration of his foretold birth into the cruel world. So, in the beginning, Christmas was really about being with family and being thankful for the closeness shared between members. Though as celebrants became more aware that not EVERYONE had a family, it morphed into a holiday that promoted unity of many kinds, whether it be platonic or romantic. Even the commercialized version of Christmas in today's society still promotes some type of unity, because it allows people to have at least one common struggle. Even the poor souls that have no friends or family family often get the opportunity to start anew or make long lasting connections around this cheery holiday. Spirits are light and expectations are often lowered in respect for those giving and buying gifts. This creates the prefect opportunity for bonds to be made in the presence of baby Jesus himself. During this holiday, no matter how lonely or shut-in someone may be, they will often find themselves looking to make a connections. Humans are creatures that crave interactions, no matter how strongly some may deny it. The aura of Christmas brings out the inner longing for companionship in us all.
ReplyDeleteIt seems that in today's society the hour that the Thanksgiving feast is completed and the family members depart, people have something other than the joy of being thankful for what they have on their minds. Rather, Americans everywhere are running around like mad men trampling anyone who hinders the path to the perfect gift. Sure, all of this hustle and bustle along with the occasional violent confrontation accompanied with Christmas shopping is done all out of love, but is it really for the right cause? The image of Santa Clause and his spectacular, flying reindeer soaring around the world leaving gifts to all of the good boys and girls is truly heartwarming, but is this the true meaning to this time of the year? Growing up in a Catholic environment, I know that Jesus is the reason we celebrate. His birth made our salvation possible. I understand this and I believe this, but I also believe God has a deeper meaning set aside for Christmas. After all, history cannot even prove Jesus was born on the 25 day of December. It is speculated he was born sometime in April. That is why I do not believe Christmas is solely for religious purposes, even though the religious aspect of the holiday is very important to me, as it should be to those who celebrate. I believe the true meaning of Christmas lies within the hearts of each of us. Christmas is a time to end feuds, halt grudges, and mend ties to those around us. Christmas is a time to help the less fortunate, especially the children who will not receive gifts from anyone. Christmas calls for love. It calls for a time free from the realms of hatred which is seen way to frequently in our dark and unforgiving world. We are to be the beacons of light and love in the world around us. Christmas is not just opening the presents on Christmas. It is celebrating the life of Christ while sharing the love that he made possible through dying on the cross for our sins. Material gifts we receive on Christmas will surely deteriorate in the passing years of life. What we do to make a mark on the hearts of others will surely live on with as much fire as the day the action took place. Christmas is knowing this and comprehending it, not for personal gain, but rather for the sheer joy of seeing other people happier than they were a minute ago. This is the true meaning of Christmas. Love is the true meaning of Christmas
ReplyDeleteLogan, you touched many great points on the holiday including the fact that society is not always humble. It is very true that the holidays can often bring out a wild side to the people, but also it reveals a side that brings everyone together in hopes of love and care.