Thursday, November 30, 2017

Tribute Writing

Write a 350-500 word tribute. It can be for a favorite historical figure, Saint or almost anything else- a book, a pet or even a special pair of sneakers! Do not choose friends or loved ones. It is best to stick with something less near and dear. Notice the virtues that you are praising. Are they culturally defined, or are they virtues per se" Why are you praising them? Are they virtues that are in jeopardy? Would it make sense to praise virtues that are perfectly established, that there is no doubt about? 

Here is a piece of tribute writing that you can can use as inspiration!

In Defense of a Dog


  1. Many, in the face of adversity, cower in fear. Many, because of this fear, look the other way and refuse to confront any issue that is presented to them. Because of this, when we find an individual who exemplifies the ideals of courage, determination, decisiveness, and resilience, we, as a society, tend to value them to a great extent. In the character of the thirtieth President of the United States, John Calvin Coolidge, these qualities were deeply rooted and served him well as a leader of the “Free World.”

    Oftentimes, within governmental politics, elected officials and other civil servants are concerned only with the advancement of their careers. However, with former President Coolidge, this is simply not the case. While serving the people of Massachusetts as Governor of the state, Coolidge was faced with a decision to make regarding the police force in Boston. Many officers went on strike, as the chief of police refused to promote the unionizing of a police force. Coolidge took decisive action, and instead of attempting to please any particular group, he sent in state forces to ease tensions and restore order within the community. While many would have worried about the connections lost among various groups, Coolidge showed his concern for the community, a clear display of selflessness and devotion to those he served, as well as decisiveness and courage, which are clearly missing today in both the public and private lives of many.

    Not only was Coolidge able to demonstrate these qualities on the local and state levels, but he also managed to do this on the national and international levels as well. Following the death of President Warren Harding, who Coolidge served as Vice President, he took the oath of the Presidency, an office that he held in the utmost respect and served dutifully. Harding’s administration’s, shortly following his unexpected passing, scandals were uncovered, leading Coolidge to take decisive action. Following the investigations of these scandal-ridden officials, he cleared much of the former Cabinet, and established his own, which focused on a small- government approach, leading to much success within the United States. This dedication to the ideals that he consistently upheld again refers back to his selflessness and devotion to country, which established himself as an effective leader who truly cared for those he served.

    The qualities that underlie the character of former President Coolidge, specifically his strength in the face of adversity; his determination; his loyalty and devotion; his sense of duty; and his courage, continue to be found less and less today, especially in the world of politics and civil service, which has led to a deterioration in the values that many have held dear for years within our nation. If our leaders, locally, within the state, and nationally, continue to drift away from the characteristics of President Calvin Coolidge and other similar leaders, will the values that originally laid the foundation of our nation prevail?

    1. Isaac, this is written very well. I am not surprised you decided to write about a president because you love to talk about politics. Thus, this was a great topic. You explained very well all of your main ideas too. Great work!

    2. I liked how you included a variety of situations and specific examples on both the local and state levels, as well as his presidency, relating to his utilization of great qualities, virtues, and values.

    3. I really love how well you explained each of his virtuous qualities. This is a great piece and you truly paid him tribute. Great job!

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. Ever since I was able to talk, I would always beg my parents for one thing-a dog. I was never able to get one for many reasons; “They require a lot of work. We do not have the time to train and take care of a dog. Your brothers are highly allergic to these pets.” and the list goes on and on. After years of constantly bugging, and I mean asking for a dog everyday, my parents finally gave in to allowing me to get a dog. So, the summer going into fifth grade, I was able to bring home my absolute favorite thing in the whole world.

    When someone says a dog is a man’s (or woman’s) best friend, they are definitely not kidding. After a long and exhausting day, the best thing is coming home. However, it is even better when you are able to come home to a happy little chubby dog. Whenever I am having a rough day, I always know my dog will make it better. Plus, on those chilly winter nights, having a dog sleep at the end of your bed is a great idea because your pet can keep your feet nice and warm. There are so many wonderful things about having a dog.

    Despite all of the great aspects of owning a dog, there are a few down sides to having a pet. Since my dog is aging, there’s always a fear that something will happen to her while I’m away at college. Also, dogs can be super bad sometimes too. Occasionally, dogs will run away for long periods of time, which can be very scary because you never know if they will come back or not. Dogs can also become very mean over the years and may not like to be touched or bothered. Thankfully, my dog is not like this. Even though a dog is not all you have, all a dog has is you. Dogs rely on us to help them live a happy and healthy life. We do not necessarily need a dog to live a great life, however, they definitely do make living much more entertaining and fun. I recommend that every family has some kind of pet because pets really do help us both mentally and physically.

    1. Bethany, your blog contains a variety of the aspects relating to epideictic rhetoric. It seems that much of society is fixated upon the quality of loyalty, and, in some ways, dependence, so I definitely feel that it was a great idea to focus upon these ideas using what has been termed “a man’s best friend.”

    2. This is a great example of how we, as a society, praise loyalty. Dogs have been a part of our society for thousands of years, wether they were used for help in hunting or for enjoyment, they have been there. As much as I may prefer my cat, I have many fond memories of my dog and her loyalty.

  4. In our lives, there is always something we overlook, ignore, or forget about. Sometimes, we just don’t give people or things the time of day. Some of the things we overlook or fail to appreciate or give the time of day are concrete objects, while others are not. Some of the biggest non-concrete things we don’t appreciate are numbers, particularly the number 2. Numbers are everywhere, but do we ever stop and think about them? I’d guess that math has most of us scared silly, but numbers are still things we can speak about.

    If you think about the number two, it has soldiered on throughout history with little thought. But no one realizes how awesome the number two is. Two is, at least to yours truly, the most unique of all the numbers. It is the ONLY even prime number. No other even number can say that it is divisible only by itself and one. I will eat my hat if anyone can come up with another such number (you won’t be able to, so no hats will be eaten).

    Unfortunately for the number two, the phrase “Number Two” often has some negative connotations with it. In hearing “number two,” our brains tend to gravitate the idea of what happens in the bathroom. We also have the infamous “Terrible Twos” of childhood. On top of it all, being called “Number Two” is never what anyone wants because of the fact that such a position is often subordinate to another. In the Austin Powers trilogy, Dr. Evil’s assistant is flat-out called “Number Two,” and is constantly reminded of his position under the evil mastermind. But the number two is really number one because two is company. Surely, you’ve heard the saying, “Two heads are better than one,” and it’s true! Well, usually. But I digress. Even though the song One by the band Three Dog Night says that “Two is just as bad as one,” I would beg to differ. Two is not lonely. Are married couples lonely with each other? Not if they love each other. So there you have it - the number two is the number-one number, and it’s important that we realize how much it really matters.

    1. This was definitely a neat topic to write about. I have never thought of the number two, or any number really, quite like this. Nevertheless, you did a great job using aspects of epideictic rhetoric to show just why the number two is so great.

    2. I’m gonna come right out and say it, but your topic made me laugh. It was definitely very unique, and I would have never thought about wringing about a number. You also clearly stated and proved why the number two is so unique. Job well done that’s for sure!

    3. Very interesting topic! You did very well with a perfect mix of praise and facts about the number two. Your numerous examples of how the number two is important was a perfect addition. Great job.

    4. Choosing the number two was certainly an interesting decision, and it did pay off. Your listing of the uses for a number two was a great approach. It was also great when you addressed all the ways we can diminish the glory that is this number, with the bathroom slang and many other uses, as you pointed out.

  5. This comment has been removed by the author.

  6. All over the world, sports are something that people watch. There are tons of popular teams, athletes and coaches who are praised for the great skills and abilities, getting big endorsements, large paychecks, and fame around the world. Lots of them are praised for what they are currently doing or what they have done throughout their careers in sports, but there is not a whole lot who receive the same amount of praise, if not more, for what they have accomplished after their careers are over. Jim Valvano is one of those very special people.

    Jim Valvano had a great basketball career, including both playing and coaching, don’t get me wrong on that. During his playing career, Valvano was a point guard at Rutgers University in 1967, and his team finished third in the 1967 National Invitation Tournament (NIT). He was named Senior Athlete of the Year at Rutgers in 1967, and graduated with a degree in English that year. After graduation, he began his 19 year coaching career. He coached at 4 different colleges before landing a job at NC State, where he truly excelled, winning the NCAA championship in 1983, in addition to advancing to the NCAA Elite 8 in 1985 and 1986. 'Coach V' was also voted ACC Coach of the Year in 1989. Valvano is most recognized for his reaction of running around on the court looking for somebody to hug in the moments after the Wolfpack victory came after the game-winning shot in the 1983 NCAA finals. He was one of the most passionate and enthusiastic coaches, and he was always looking to encourage and inspire his players. After creating such a great basketball legacy, it seems that it would be hard to do something better now that his basketball career was over.

    Like some former players or coaches, he began to work at ESPN and ABC Sports as a broadcaster, but after he finished working for them, he began to tour the country and give motivational speeches, which is one of the things he is best known for. In June 1992, Valvano was diagnosed with metastatic adenocarcinoma, a type of glandular cancer that can spread to the bones. He gave two of his best speeches after his diagnosis, which were a speech at NC State and his ESPY’s speech. At NC State, less than 10 weeks before his death, he talked at the ten-year commemoration of the 1983 NCAA championship. It was during this speech on February 21 that Valvano stressed the importance of hope, love, and persistence, and included his famous "Don't give up . . . don't ever give up" quotation. Eleven days later after his NC State speech on March 4, 1993, he spoke at the first ESPY Awards. While accepting the inaugural Arthur Ashe Courage and Humanitarian Award, he announced the creation of The V Foundation for Cancer Research, an organization dedicated to finding a cure for cancer. He announced that the foundation's motto would be "Don't Give Up . . . Don't Ever Give Up." He closed saying that "Cancer can take away all of my physical abilities. It cannot touch my mind, it cannot touch my heart, and it cannot touch my soul. And those three things are going to carry on forever. I thank you and God bless you all." The V Foundation for Cancer Research was founded by Valvano and ESPN in 1993. Since then, The V Foundation has raised more than $150 million and awarded cancer research grants in 38 states. Valvano died at age 47 on April 28, 1993, less than two months after his famous ESPY speech, following a nearly year-long battle with cancer. The V Foundation started with the dream of Jim Valvano, and has continued on his amazing legacy today.

    1. Jim Valvano was certainly a good choice, because he was someone who deserved lots of praise. I felt that it was good that you gave a synopsis of his life and career. At times, though, I felt like you took the synopsis a little too far. It seemed like more of a biography than a tribute, but some elements were still there.

  7. Day by day, I know more and more about Corey, and I’m not talking about my boyfriend. For a man who works almost every single day of his life, he is never bored or tired. I have worked with Corey for months now and yet know very little about him, but can see what drives him to work so well everyday. He is strong and bullheaded, yet delicate and appreciative. Corey is faced day in and day out with problems for his business, yet he strives past those for greatness. He has the virtue of perseverance. I’m always treated properly and respected very well, like all of the customers that come by, the virtue of politeness. Being a chef contains many responsibilities including preparing food properly, on time, and serving. But Corey does this while also managing his children and his home. The virtue of time management. Now some may think that these qualities aren’t virtues, but does everyone greet everyone with a smile, pursue dreams that are difficult, or push to make everything work? No, and that is what makes these qualities a virtue.
    His virtues do not come without vices though. Every person makes mistakes, it’s how you react to those mistakes to decide the type of person you are. Corey has anger issues, and they become quite evident at work. If a slice a pie is uneven, he proclaims failure. When I look at it, I just see wonderful food. He becomes angry about rude guests or improper treatment of his workers. I praise him for the respect and care he has for not only his business but for the people around him working for him. Once a guest made an impolite comment to the waitress about her clothing. Corey put his title on the line and stood up for that waitress. Yes, he was yelled at by administration, but he didn’t care. He knew the right thing was to stand up for his employee and didn’t think twice about the consequences. It’s one of the greatest things I could admire from him Being a young employee, i always got nervous about mistakes and problems, until i looked up to my boss. He’s not perfect, but he makes mistakes the perfect way.

    1. This truly contained each of the components of epideictic rhetoric! Your description of his qualities, and then the explanation of why these are virtues, was a great way to tie together and justify your argument. Not only do you describe his virtues, but you also show his vices, in which you included a virtue.

  8. In life, there are some things we do automatically, if not out of habit, then out of superstition. Sailors step onto ships with their right foot first, theaters avoid peacock feathers at all costs, and elevators remove the thirteenth floor. There are those who deem themselves superstitious, but there are those who do not.
    Some people, wether they be children, adults, or elderly, do not care about the public’s perception of those who do not follow these unusual rules. These people ignore their instilled triskaidekaphobia, friggatriskaidekaphobia, or hexakosioihexekontahexaphobia, and just do what they need to do. They continue on with their lives, not content to cower in the corner and wait for the thirteenth floor to be relabeled, or for Friday the thirteenth to end, or peacock feathers to be taken away, they do the work that others are unwilling to do out of this fear of hundred-year-old hoaxes.
    Take elevators, for instance. A reported 85% of all elevators that reach the thirteenth floor are labeled differently. Most hotels and office complexes will jump from twelve to fourteen, while others will label it with an “M,” or, in one famous example, a heart. This is triskaidekaphobia manifested, or the fear of thirteen. This is a superstition that has been prominent for around two thousand years, going all the way back to the time of Rome, the first users of the monicker, “Friday the Thirteenth.”
    These small hoaxes have been disproven time and time again. People like Otto Neurath, who, in 1939, compared the use of money in an economy, which was considered a mere convention at the time, to refusing to allow buildings to exceed their twelfth floor. Neurath struck a major blow against the superstitious, who had been preventing buildings from reaching their true potential. It is people like that, people like Neurath, people who go against these social conventions, people who do not care that it is Friday the thirteenth, or that their hotel has thirteen floors, who are brave enough to push us forward. How would life be different if buildings could only have twelve floors? Well, a similar effect can be observed in Washington, DC, where buildings are not allowed to be physically taller than the Capitol Building. The city has a thinner density than most other major cities in the country, with buildings that spread out rather than grow taller. That situation would be a part of every city, had it not been for the efforts of Otto Neurath. People who go against these superstitions are the true pushers, they keep the regular people from falling back on their habitual fears.

  9. We all have that one friend, coworker, or acquaintance who is always optimistic, kind, loyal, and courageous. This man goes out of his way to help others and assure justice is served. Honestly, the world would be dark and scary without people like this, stepping up and doing things for the better. These people are those that offer to talk about anything with you, to be your comfort on bad days, and to assure that everything is fair. Yet, these people are never properly repaid by the universe for there amazing acts.Cedric Diggory, a beloved student of Hogwarts, was this friend who fit these qualities.

    Cedric was a strong leader in his house of Hufflepuff. In Hufflepuff, students in this house are recognized for their hard work, dedication, patience, and loyalty. Cedric showed these qualities, and many more, often in the game Quidditch. This sport could be very dangerous and foul play can happen. Cedric did not allow this to happen. After a long fought match with an opponent house, Cedric realized his team did not win fairly due to an accident happening on the opponents. He continuously went to the board to ask for a rematch because he knew his team did not win properly. He was looked upon by many, including students from other houses, for his great personality for justice.

    In Cedric’s last days, his virtues continued to shine. Cedric was chosen for the Tri Wizard tournament in his sixth year at Hogwarts. Cedric was given a hint of the first task for the tournament by another player. He made sure to repay this helpful tip for this player for the next round. Another act of kindness during this tournament was in the last round. Cedric and another player grabbed the winning cup together because they did not want to hurt each other. Unfortunately, the cup did not send them to the correct place. In an attempt to protect the other player, Cedric was killed. He barely knew this player, but this did not matter. He died for another person. In my book, this is the ultimate sacrifice.

    Cedric was a young, courageous man that cannot be forgotten. His actions give light to how a person should be, even in moments of danger or injustice. He will be greatly missed, but should be remembered for his strong virtues that defined him and his actions.

    1. Your tribute to Cedric Diggory is exceptional. By telling us about him and his story, you have shown me virtues that are definelty worth praising. This is also a great piece of epidietcic writing. Great job!

    2. I really love how you chose Cedric Diggory. I never would have thought of him, but you did really well on explaining his shining qualities and you have a great introduction. Good job!

    3. Okay, this was brilliant. Being a Hufflepuff (the same as you), it’s sad to see how underrated Cedric is in the HP fandom. He was such a good character who loved his friends and family and died too soon. Thank you for highlighting this issue. #hufflepuff4ever

    4. I love this, not only because I love Harry Potter but because the way you praised him and told his story was phenomenal. You showed every aspect of his life containing to the good, the truth and the beautiful.


  10. Football has always been a huge part of my life. For as long as I can remember, I have always been raised around it. I have fond memories of my family and friends all getting together to watch the Pittsburgh Steelers. From going crazy as they won the Super Bowl, to laughing until I cried as my neighbor threw a fit when they lost, it seems like I have been with this team every step of the way. While they might not be my favorite team nowadays, they will always have a special place in my heart. One player in particular was always my favorite though. This player was Jerome Bettis.
    I don’t remember why he became my favorite player of all time. He was just always in that top spot for me for as long as I can remember. I had his jersey, I had his football cards, everything. I even went as far as to read his book. When he was inducted into the hall of fame, despite multiple promises that we would go from my dad, I happily watched on tv. This man was truly someone who I looked up to, and still look up to. After all, how could you not. He was an absolute beast on the field weighing in at 255 pounds, and if you have ever seen him, you would not think he is a running back. Jerome was a big man, but trust me when I say that he could move. He was the best of both worlds, as he had both the power of an ox, and the speed of a stallion. This power and speed is eventually what coined him his nickname, “The Bus.”
    Jerome was a great player and a good role model. He was a classy guy, who had come from a dark past but was able to put that all behind him. He showed all the qualities that a football player needed to. Courage, discipline, strength, and basically everything else. He was a role model to me and many others, and he, the Steelers, and the number 36 will always have a special place in my heart.

    1. Football seems to be a close subject to you. The way you talk about Jerome Bettis seemed like you were just giving us his description. You definelty showed the virtue of strength in this blog. Good job!

  11. Instead of writing about the virtues of one person, I decided to write about the virtues of a certain family.

    When you think of family, a few concepts that come to mind are loving, caring, loyal, and many other good qualities. The Supernatural family has these qualities and many more. The show is about two brother who go off saving people and hunting supernatural beings. There is about equal emphasis on the hunting as their is the brothers’ family bond. The two Winchester brother, Sam and Dean will do pretty much anything for each other and the people they love. They have died for each other many times all for the sake of brotherhood and and the world. Although they have some fights in the beginning seasons of the show, they are always there for each other. They also take in people who have helped them are whom they need help from and add them to their family. The most important thing to the Winchester brothers is loyalty to family and that will never change.
    Outside of the story, the script, and the cameras, Supernatural still focuses on family, helping people, and kindness. Jensen and Jared, the actors who play Sam and Dean, are extremely involved in conventions for the fans to meet them and talk with them. Misha, who plays the angel Castiel, Jensen, and Jared have many campaigns for the mostly fans but includes people form all over the world. Misha has Random Acts Organization along with GISHWHES, short for the greatest international scavenger hunt the world has ever seen. Jensen and Misha have a campaign promoting the Supernatural Crisis Network called You Are Not Alone. Jared has several campaigns that also promote the Supernatural Crisis Network including Always Keep Fighting, I Am Enough, Love Yourself First, Family Has Your Back. Every single one of these campaigns just go to show how special the Supernatural family is. The actors do not fake love their fans. They think of the whole fandom as another family.
    Another thing that the Supernatural fandom is known for is there presence on social media. The actors are extremely open to the fandom via social media. Misha has even helped someone with homework after a fan asked on Twitter. The stuff the actors do on social media is not the crazy thing about the fandom. It is the stuff that they fans do that is astounding. Currently the Supernatural fandom is ranked third of the most popular fandoms. On tumblr, they are number one. The fandom is known for hijacking posts with relevant gifs and most importantly, backing up other members from hateful internet trolls. This family is truly loyal. I am happy and proud to be apart of this family that will continue to grow even after the show has stopped.

    1. Firstly, I love that you picked a topic that was not necessarily traditional, but it was close to your heart. Secondly, it was very easy to understand the feelings that the group has from your personal experience. I loved it, and I think you did a great job explaining it better than just saying that you liked the show.

    2. Your tribute was good! I liked how you really brought the virtue of loyalty front and center here. But I feel that you could have also brought in more of what they do. Certainly, there's more that can be praised than just how they treat the fan community. Also, at the beginning of the second paragraph, you used "there" instead of "their." AAAHHHHHH!

  12. Throughout life, there are a great many challenges. It is never easy for any to overcome the obstacles. If there is, however, one man that has done just this, he goes by the name of Jamie Tregaskiss. He’s a professional soccer player for one of the most famous teams in the world, but not like you may think. He plays in an amputee league after losing his left leg from a bout with cancer.

    Previous to his sickness, he was set up to play on the full professional team. Just months before he would start playing, however, he received the devastating news that he may not be able to play ever again. A cancer he was fighting had spread to his left leg, and the only way to stop it and save himself was to cut off his leg at practically the hip. Normally, this is more or less a death sentence to a career in just about any sport, but especially soccer. But Jamie didn’t let it stop him. He has a special pair of crutches that he plays on, and he worked on making his right leg stronger. Now playing in the amputee league, he has also made the amputee national team. An honor for any player, but especially one with only one leg.

    I look up to Jamie Tregaskiss because he is a professional soccer player. But that is not all. I look up to him and admire him for his perseverance and strength in the face of almost limitless adversity. The kind of strength and courage to never say “no” and to never say “quit.” This type of strength, determination, and perseverance is something I aspire to assimilate into my own life. There are many things I need to persevere through and even towards, but I think with Jamie as a role model, I can definitely make it.

    1. This blog clearly shows a perfect amount of praise. Writing about his cancer story and how he overcame this obstacle is very inspiring. Also, I like how you pointed out his virtues of perserverance and strength that you adire about him.

    2. I really enjoy your topic especially because these virtues are hard to obtain. This story shows a unique way of overcoming fear and creating a new life of passion.

  13. My whole entire life, my dad and I have watched NFL football every weekend. I got to watch several players for most of my years, but one in particular comes to mind. That person is Peyton Manning. People around the United States who don't particularly know or like football have most likely heard of Peyton Manning. Peyton Manning is one of the greatest quarterbacks of all time. He played for the Denver Broncos and Indianapolis Colts. But that's not really what happened I’m here to talk about. I'm not writing this tribute to talk about all of his amazing football accomplishments because that's not how Peyton Manning should be remembered. Instead Manning should be remembered for how great a person he was off of the playing field. Manning was a charitable man who donated or helped whenever he could. Every fan truly meant something to him, and sometimes he went out to visit sick fans who couldn't attend games. For example back when he played in Indianapolis he would go out to St. Vincents Hospital so often that they renamed it after him. It did not stop in Indianapolis. Once he was signed by Denver he created the Peyback Foundation which gave meals on Thanksgiving to needy or poor families. He was also a part of the Red Cross and gave whenever he could to the people that truly needed it. Manning definitely had a lot of money but he always used it for the better of the people. The thing that makes all of this even more amazing is the fact that Peyton never went public about his giving. He always wanted to keep it private and in secret. It shows that he wasn't just doing it to gain more fame, but rather to give back to the people that support and love him. That is truly special. It frustrated people that he wanted to keep it so private, but it just goes to show how truly humble he is. Of course Peyton Manning will go down as one of the greatest football players of all time and will join the hall of fame, but take a second to look behind all of that and realize that he should be remembered for his heart of gold.

  14. Courage can be found deep within a place that was previously thought to be nonexistent. In the hardest times, it can be revealed in somewhat surprising ways. Saint Gianna Beretta Molla, a devout woman of substance and strong character, was a prime example of the ferocity that love and faith can produce through extreme courage and strength.

    In her small town of Magenta, Italy, Gianna was born to a large family with a deep-rooted sense of faith. Her unwavering beliefs gave her a very strong understanding of who she wanted to be. She studied tirelessly throughout her education to become a doctor with degrees in both medicine and surgery. Along her journey, she consistently worked with charitable organizations to help those in need while striving to succeed in her difficult profession herself. Gianna specialized in pediatrics, which led to her to become extremely invested in the mothers and children she worked with.

    After she was married, Gianna gave birth to three children. She prided herself tremendously on having a “truly Christian family”, and she considered her vocation to married life a great gift from God. During her fourth pregnancy, Gianna’s doctors found a complication: a fibroma had formed in her uterus. In her second month of this pregnancy, her child’s life was already at risk, and her doctors recommended an abortion. A dangerous operation was required, and Gianna pleaded that the doctors save the baby if it came down to the two of them. The surgery was successful, and Gianna was able to carry the baby to term. The risk, however, was still present. Gianna, prior to giving birth, said, “If you must decided between me and the child, do not hesitate: choose the child - I insist on it. Save him”. Her baby girl, Gianna Emanuela, survived. However, Gianna did not. While the doctors were attempting to save her, although in excruciating pain, Gianna repeatedly said, “Jesus, I love you!” She passed away at the age of thirty-nine.

    Gianna was the first saint to have her husband present at her canonization, which took place in 2004. A young woman, who had a tear in her placenta in only the sixteenth week of her pregnancy, prayed to Gianna for intercession. Against the odds, she gave birth to a healthy baby boy. Gianna is the patron saint of mothers, physicians, and unborn children. Saint Gianna Beretta Molla was a spectacular woman of true faith, and she is an amazing role model.
